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Another installment from the B.O.S.S. series focuses on strictly swing trading options.

Swing trading options is a COMPLETELY different strategy AND mentality.

Dive deep into the mental strategies needed to hold options for a few days to a few weeks. And Pat will also show you his technical setup with charts and you’ll discover exactly what he’s looking for.

These trades are completely different than if you were to day trade options so IT’S CRUCIAL  that you understand the risk management involved and the longer-term strategy you need.

As Pat pulls back the curtain on this highly unique and successful strategy, you’ll learn…

  • How to scan for potential stocks (there are certain criteria that you need to look for to guarantee that there’s a swing play possible)
  • Once you find the stocks, now it’s time to use the PROPER indicators (there are only a few…the RIGHT ONES…that you need to use for swinging options)
  • Learn how to set up your charts for ultimate success (Pat covers exactly how he sets up his charts and his platform)
  • Learn how to set PROPER risk/reward (remember, these trades are completely different than a day trade so it’s CRUCIAL that you set the proper wiggle room)
  • Find out what STRIKES & EXPIRIES you need to take (you’ll probably be shocked when you find out which ones to take)
  • Pat runs through the proper MENTALITY it takes to hold these options for days/weeks. (Learn how to calm your nerves and have confidence holding these swings)
  • Discover what to look for to properly ENTER and EXIT a trade to potentially make 100% + on your money ( if you don’t know how to do this crucial step, you’re almost guaranteed to fail)
  • Plus so much more!

Get B.O.S.S. SWING or the other courses from the same one of these categories: , , , , for free on Cloud Download.

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